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2M Paseo del Mediterráneo
Mojácar, AN, 04638


Kids & Canvas





You just have to choose between our repertoire of paintings and we take care of everything else. You can also choose a picture that you like on your own and we will prepare it for the event, so you will have everything ready when you arrive and our assistant will guide you at all times to make the picture without problem.

For the youngests there is also ART !, if not everything would be tablets, smartphones and consoles. So there is nothing better than offering you the opportunity to CREATE with paint!

That is why we want to offer an activity that creates a unique experience and that you will remember every time you have in front of you that painting you painted among so much fun! You just have to choose between any of our paintings.

You can also choose one of personal taste and we will take care of everything else!  We have all the necessary material for you to paint without worries: lecterns, acrylic paints, brushes, gowns, rags, canvases and our assistant that will guide you step by step in your creation.

There are two types of events:



Bring the picture you like and we will adapt it so that each of the group paints a portion of it. We have different different sizes, depending on how many people come to the event! With the help of our artist you will be able to finish an excellent mosaic, which will look amazing when you gather all your canvases. In addition to the paintings, at the end of the session you will take a beautiful collection of photos of your event.