Contact Us

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2M Paseo del Mediterráneo
Mojácar, AN, 04638


Terms & Conditions


These Terms and Conditions set forth the legally binding terms and conditions for your use of the website and any use and/or purchase of goods and services offered by The Palette Studio and any of its related companies (hereunder ‘The Palette Studio’, ‘US’, ‘OUR’ or ‘WE’). By accessing this website you agree to comply with these terms and conditions. You warrant that you have the ability to enter into transactions directly with The Palette Studio and by making a request through the website you also warrant to US that you are at least 18 years of age.

1. Ownership

All content on this website is property owned by US. This includes graphics, logos, images, text and website design. Therefore, any unauthorised use of them is strictly prohibited and could result in criminal or civil penalties.

2. Pricing of Goods and Services

All pricing is in EUROS is applied. WE have the discretion to change prices with or without notice to you. All credit cards, debit cards, PayPal and cash transactions are charged in EUROS. All goods and services listed on the website, their information and prices are each subject to change. WE reserve the right to modify, suspend or discontinue the provision and/or sale of any goods or services or promotional discounts with or without notice to you.

3. Delays and Changes to and Cancellation of Sessions

WE will make every effort to deliver OUR services to you, as promised.

On occasion however, the commencement of a session may be delayed due to circumstances beyond OUR control or unforeseen by US, partly or wholly.

It remains OUR sole discretion to decide whether a session will commence, albeit late, or whether to cancel it altogether. If WE elect to cancel a session, whether it be prior to the schedule starting time or after, WE will notify you as soon as practicably possible. Where WE choose to cancel a session, WE will provide you with a credit to the value of your purchase or WE will refund your monies to you in the same manner as you made your booking. Please refer to the terms and conditions of OUR Refund Policy.

Also, on occasion however, WE may need to cancel a session where insufficient bookings are made. WE will do OUR utmost to provide sufficient notice to you about any session cancellation. In the interest of avoiding a session cancellation, WE may elect to cancel the session at a time which you may consider you received insufficient notice due to your circumstances. WE apologise to you in advance for any inconvenience caused.

Where WE elect to cancel a session, WE will provide you with a credit to the value of your purchase or WE will refund your monies to you

WE reserve OUR right to change the artist hosting any session.

4. Photography and Videography

You acknowledge that WE may take photographs and videography of the sessions, which may record images of you at the session. By booking and attending a session, you expressly and impliedly authorise and permit US to use any recordings WE make, which may include images of you, for the promotion and advertising of OUR business. You agree that all recordings of any nature shall become OUR property and WE may use the recordings for promotional and advertising purposes for OUR benefit at OUR sole discretion. You also agree that WE may modify the recordings as WE see fit for OUR purpose.

If you do not wish for US to record your image WE ask that you notify US no later than at the starting time of the session.

5. Promotional and Discount Coupon Codes

Promotional and discount codes cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer unless otherwise noted by US.

6. Liability and Indemnity

In no event shall WE be liable to you or any third party for any loss or profit or any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special or punitive damages arising from or under, related to or connected with your use of the website or OUR services. Accessing and using the website and goods and services offered by US are at your own discretion and risk. You are solely responsible for any damage to your computer system, mobile device or other electronic device or loss of data resulting therefrom. WE act to the best of OUR ability to ensure that the content of the website, including all information and listings are correct, but it is subject to change at any time and without notice to you. To the extent permitted by law, WE disclaim all liability for any errors, omissions or misleading information. You agree to make your own evaluation of the suitability, accuracy and completeness of any information, advice or other content that is available on the website before you rely upon it. As a condition of use of the website, you agree to indemnify US from and against any and all liability, damage and loss whatsoever that WE incur or suffer as a result of any action, inaction or omission on your part.

7. Warranties

To the maximum extent permitted by law, WE disclaim any warranties, assurances or promises, express or implied, regarding the website and any goods and services or facility it provides.

8. Third Party Goods and Service Providers

Where goods and/or services are provided to you by a third party at a session (such as the provision of food or drink to you by a bar or restaurant at OUR studio or a session held at a third party venue), you acknowledge and agree to hold US harmless and to indemnify US against any injury, damage or loss you may suffer whatsoever arising from or under, related to or connected with the provision of the third party goods and services to you.

9. Consumption of Alcohol

You agree that you shall only consume alcohol during OUR public sessions and private events if you are over the age of 18 years. You may require suitable identification to prove your age. If WE believe that you are under the age of 18 years and you intend to consume or have consumed alcohol during OUR public sessions or private events, WE have the right to ask you to leave without compensation. Guests will not be permitted into any of OUR studios or participate in any off-site public session or private event if you are intoxicated or WE believe you are intoxicated.

10. Refund Policy

Read OUR Refund Policy.

11. Privacy Policy

Read OUR Privacy Policy.

12. Changes to OUR Terms and Conditions

WE reserve the right to change and/or modify all or any part of OUR terms and conditions, refund policy and privacy policy at any time without notice to you.