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2M Paseo del Mediterráneo
Mojácar, AN, 04638







Think you can't paint or draw a straight line?

Well, you can with a professional artist guiding you every step of the way in a relaxed and fun environment, with a drink in one hand and a paintbrush in the other, creating your very own masterpiece to take home and hang pride of place on your wall!

This is what The Palette Studio sessions are all about…

Having fun with family & friends, meeting new people & finding that painting is not just for artists!

UPCOMING painting sessions

We add new event dates weekly

You can follow us on social media to keep up-to-date with all our upcoming events

host a Private painting party

Celebrate your next special event by customising a unique and creative experience with us.

Choose one of our wonderful venues or let us bring the party to you!

Find out more information HERE


We are always adding new creations for you to paint!

You can view our full gallery of paintings HERE

Follow us on social media to keep up-to-date with all our upcoming painting sessions