Contact Us

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2M Paseo del Mediterráneo
Mojácar, AN, 04638




Contact Us

The Palette Studio

T: +34 634 319 256

Event Locations

Our events are held at various venues:

El Chacho Bar and Restaurant (map)
Paseo del Mediterráneo, 3
Mojácar Playa, Almería 04638

Tito’s Beach Bar (map)
Paseo del Mediterráneo, 2
Vista de los Ángeles-Rumina
Mojácar Playa, Almería 04638

Desert Springs Resort (map)
Palomares, Cuevas del Almanzora
Almería 04618

La Lupita Malamadre (map)
Calle Juan Sebastián Elcano, 52
Las Buganvillas
Vera Playa, Almería O4621

Tapa y Thai by My Thai (map)
Calle Jaén, 2
Los Boliches
Fuengirola, Málaga 29640

Please contact us at The Palette Studio to book, for more information or for any general enquiries.

The Palette Studio
+34 634 319 256