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2M Paseo del Mediterráneo
Mojácar, AN, 04638


Pink Cactus


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Pink Cactus

  • Marcelo Entre Tapas Plaza Estrella del Cantal, Paseo del Mediterráneo 261 Mojácar Playa Spain (map)
Sale Price: €20.00 Original Price: €25.00

Sat 13 Jun | Sáb 13 Jun
7.30pm - 10.30pm

Marcelo Entre Tapas (Marcelo’s)
Plaza Estrella del Cantal
Paseo de Mediterráneo 261
Mojácar Playa

During this event, a professional artist will guide you step-by-step to paint your masterpiece. No painting experience is required - we promise! Simply relax, sip a glass of vino or a cold beer, get creative with the colours and we’ll take care of the rest.

This is a great event to enjoy time with family & friends and to meet new people in the area while sharing a creative and fun experience. All you need to do is…


  • We provide all the materials you will need: Paints, brushes, an apron and of course a canvas to take your work of art home with you

  • We are ready to welcome you at 7.10 pm. The event starts at 7:30 pm

  • Please arrive early to take your seat, order a drink & set up your paint palette

  • Wine, beer, spirits, cocktails, soft drinks, tea, coffee & food are available to purchase at the venue

  • This event is for persons over 18 years old



Earlier Event: June 12
Flamingo Reflection
Later Event: June 19
Mojácar Beach